Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Candice' web page

Viele liebe Gruesse von Rancho Palos Verdes. Eure Sigrid und Richey (und Candice)

Hey Omi and Baba!
 I am back and doing fine. The interview went very well. The German woman on the panel was excited that I could speak German with her (none of the other contestants in NYC did) and we talked about German theater, film and that book you gave me Omi: Mein Amerika, Dein Amerika. They seemed excited and even asked me what my living preferences were: dorms, host family, apartment. I was also the only person there with an invitation to work/intern in Germany.

I hope I get it -- they'll let us know early March.

I got an email from Fulbright saying I didn't get it -- there were only 5 spots for journalists. So, the odds were quite bad for that stiftung, anyway.

Today I am applying to jobs here and sending a thank you card to the people who interviewed me in NYC.

Hope all is well,


PS- Sara Zeidenberg redesigned my website -- it looks a lot better now. Perfect timing for my job search: Candicenovak.com

Candice Novak

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