Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Greetings from Rancho Palos Verdes

Rancho Palos Verdes, Oct. 28, 2008
Dear Chris:
I hope you received all my mailings and enjoyed traveling along vicariously with us during this past year. You had advised me to set up a web page or blog or something to collect and share all our mail, but I was unable to do so and was wondering if you had done something like that for us? How could I find and access it? My computer skills -- whatever i may have had -- are diminishing fast, it seems; But I would still like to put this whole trip travelog together somehow. 
Can you help????

How is your family , your wife and son? And how are you? I'll enclose thelink to a clip of our Sunshine (granddaughter) actually, really winning a car and being on tv about it! She is extremely happy, and rightly so! 

Take care and greetings to you and your family from Ziggy and Richey Novak

1 comment:

Ziggy Novak said...

Greetings from RPV and Novaks