Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Greetings from Rancho Palos Verdes

Rancho Palos Verdes, Oct. 28, 2008
Dear Chris:
I hope you received all my mailings and enjoyed traveling along vicariously with us during this past year. You had advised me to set up a web page or blog or something to collect and share all our mail, but I was unable to do so and was wondering if you had done something like that for us? How could I find and access it? My computer skills -- whatever i may have had -- are diminishing fast, it seems; But I would still like to put this whole trip travelog together somehow. 
Can you help????

How is your family , your wife and son? And how are you? I'll enclose thelink to a clip of our Sunshine (granddaughter) actually, really winning a car and being on tv about it! She is extremely happy, and rightly so! 

Take care and greetings to you and your family from Ziggy and Richey Novak

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Minneapolis and Boston Family photos

Octogenarian Hildegard's Minneapolis Birthday Celebration

(sorry for bad quality: copied off a copy)

our hostess, sister-in-love Dottie

Cousins discussin'

our Sunshine: you can see where she got her name!

Host Rolf and son Peter

 Derk's little Rascal

Our Sarah and Son Rick (a.k. Heiner)

Sigrid and granddaughter Sunny

Pretty Maren and 'uncle' Heiner

Stefan, Maren's father, with brother David

Discussions: Candice, Tim, Derk, Sunny

Sister-in-law Dottie and sister Maedi , tired from all their work, but still listening


Sigrid's Boston visit: 

Love birds Tim and Candice

Genius at work: Tim figuring out his latest contraption 

Candice: Boston Harbor Tour