Sunday, April 6, 2008

Berlin-Center exploration with K.H. "Baum" und Almut Rose

Berlin, April 1, 2008

Please, ignore, in case you have already received this letter.

Greetings from Berlin where the weather is finally warming up and we are enjoying this exciting city outdoors and in bright sunshine together with Almut "Rose" and Karl-Heinz Baum, Almut's journalist friend.
Ziggy and Richey

At new train station: Picking up Almut and retired East-West correspondent Karl-Heinz Baum

Berlin Press Building

View from Press Building --- over to new Berlin Train Station




Press Office

Outside press Building: Remains of the Berlin Wall



Memorial for those who died trying to escape from the East across the wall



Museum for wall segments with numbers of people who died in attempt of fleeing

Chancellory with special "bridge walk way" connecting it to the Reichstag

Reichstag on the Spree river with crosses for those who died trying to swim across here 


Inscription of the Deutsche Verfassung into the glass wall


Tourist boat passing Chancellor Merkel's Office Building

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